Friday, July 31, 2009

Spring Cleaning....A Few Months Late?

What's a girl to do on a day she is home and the hubby is out of town? Blog stalk of course! Oh but besides that... CLEAN! I don't know anyone that can clean their house with the hubby home. Mine drives me crazy and usually tells me how to clean....No Way! Well, he left early yesterday morning and he's gone till Sunday... I thought, perfect time to give Grandma a call and clean the house. I have a Gma that LOVES to clean, and loves it even more when it is with her granddaughter :) Hey, whatever floats your boat. I cleaned from 10 in the morning till 3:30 in the afternoon. Gma joined me around 12:30. My house is now spotless and I love it! I cleaned every room from top to bottom and even had time to re-organize the office! It feels so good. And I LOVE the smell when you walk in from outside... Freshness over and over!
So.... Whats a girl to do on day 2 when she is home and the hubby is out of town? Take a picture of her cleaning supplies and blog about it! Then... GO SHOPPING.... so thats what I am off to do!

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