Friday, March 4, 2011

Read N Feed

Today was a very fun day at school! Exhausting... but fun! It was the annual "read n feed." Students were allowed to bring sleeping bags, pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, 3 favorite books from home and of course... wear their pj's! 2nd grade spent the entire day reading! I decided to be "Nice Mrs. Scholma" today ;) and let them move the desks to the sides and spread out all over the room, WHEREVER THEY WANTED! A little stressful, but so worth it! The kids had a blast! We also made a special trail mix together and enjoyed our snack while we were reading! I love creating these kind of memories for my students, because these are the things that I remember from when I was in school! I wish I could show you the adorable pictures from today, but I probably shouldn't post pics of my kiddos on here. So instead, I'll show you what the room looked like while they were at lunch. I can also show you our yummy trail mix.

Notice I topped them with my very favorite sour gummy worms. (These were not on the list of things they could bring, so did they ever cheer loud when I showed them what I brought for the mix) :)