Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Gulf Shores...Here we come!!!

It's official...and there's no turning back now! We are ACTUALLY going away for spring break...I think I am still picking my jaw up off the floor that my hubby even said YES...without hesitation!!! We were at the guys hockey game on Thursday night (we, being myself, Kelly, and Lori). Kelly mentioned that her and Josh rented a condo in Gulf Shores during the week of our spring break. Out of the blue she asks Lori and I if we wanted to rent one together and come down with them...or course we say YES but have to ask our men... So...on the way home from hockey I asked Jon the big question, apparently using the right words, because he said YES!!! To make a long story short...after a very long night of convincing Matt we book a condo ourselves. I AM SO STINKIN EXCITED!!! We are Leaving on April 2 and come back April 11. P.S. We are totally doing this road trip style...Yes, I am a little nervous...I have never done this before...Should be good times :)


Kari Lynn said...

Oh what fun! Golf Shores is amazing - we went there for many spring breaks during my junior high/senior high years. AND we always road tripped it - it's the only way to do it! (:

Kari Lynn said...

*Gulf Shores - not Golf, my bad!

Jon and Ash said...

Hokey Petes...that was fast.. :)

Kari Lynn said...

I guess we were just on at the same time! :)