Monday, March 9, 2009

SO random...

Ok, before I had blogs of people I know to read, I would read a bunch of randoms...well, I am over that now. However, while reading those, I got some cute ideas of things to blog about. I was bored one night and decided to answer the questions to the one below. I also have a couple other posts that I will save for a later day. Anyone who reads this should do it to. It is interesting to read about other people...even when you dont know them :) Enjoy...

I am: a wife, daughter, sister and friend.
I think: a lot about the future.
I know: I have the best family in the world!
I want: a teaching job….SOON!
I wish: money grew on trees.
I hate: cooking, thought maybe when I got married things would change, but I am finding it is not. I just don’t enjoy it.
I miss: the warm weather and sunshine. I am tired of bundling up every time I go outside. I don’t like wearing coats.
I fear: high heights.
I feel: like I need to work on being extremely organized.
I hear: Jon’s football game on in the other room. (Therefore I am blogging)
I smell: nothing, my nose is a little stuffed up.
I crave: candy….real shock huh? :)
I search: for good children’s books all the time.
I regret: not being involved in more things at GVSU.
I love: God, Jonny, My Family, My Friends.
I ache: in my head often. (a.k.a. headaches)
I care: a lot about children.
I always: am cold, pretty sure I am even cold blooded.
I am not: a fan of sand. Therefore, don’t really enjoy the beach.
I believe: in Jesus!
I dance: when no one is watching…this is because I am no good :)
I sing: really loud when I am in my car alone.
I cry: easily
I fight: (argue) with my sister sometimes
I write: lists… and lots of them
I win: when I play the wii against Jon :)
I lose: my train of thought easily.
I never: eat veggies, I know, not very healthy.
I confuse: myself at times
I listen: to music as often as I can.
I can usually be found: on the computer, checking emails, facebook and blogs :) I’m addicted, what can you say?
I am scared: of being outside when it’s dark.
I need: lots of cuddles from my hubby.
I am happy about: having a job that I enjoy.
I hope: that someday I will have healthy kids.

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