Sunday, March 22, 2009

Seven Random Facts

Well, since I really don't have anything exciting to blog about, and since I have been sitting in front of this computer for hours with nothing to do, I figured it would be a good time for another post of randomness. So here ya have it... Seven RANDOM facts about myself. (I could have done about 20, but 7...wait good enough :))

1. I am completely obsessed with checking my three, wait, now four emails, facebook, and other peoples blogs. I'm talking at least 20 times a day. (Not exaggerating!)

2. I am addicted to Jon and Kate Plus Eight. My dream is to meet them someday. There are time I think I even want a family that large...then I think even harder and realize I'm crazy!!

3. I LOVE's pretty much my favorite food :) I'm starting to think I should open my own store. It may save me a lot of money.

4. I get bored easily and have to constantly be on the go. I even enjoy running errands for other people because it keeps me busy (like I don't have enough to do) and I get to spend their money instead of mine :)

5. I love the wii. Especially now that I have the wii fit. I never get bored playing it. I still wish everyday that my husband would enjoy it as much as I do. It gets a little lonely playing it by yourself.

6. I can't explain the amount of love I have for children. I can't wait to have my own kids so I can spend every moment with them. I calmly anticipate that day. (Although this blogging thing will take over even more of my life...there's so much more to blog when you have kids.)

7. One goal in my life is to become completely and utterly organized. This may take awhile but I will be extremely happy when I accomplish this. I admire anyone who already is. I am going to become a label freak.

8. Let's make it eight...I love shopping, but which girl doesn't? I just wish I has a little more money to do so.

1 comment:

Kari Lynn said...

I am so glad you've blogged something new! I kept checking, but knowing you were under the weather I knew it might be awhile (: I hope you're feeling better and get everything out of your system so you're healthy for the trip!

AND you know I would always play the wii with you because I now know how lonely it is to play by yourself! Oh and keep your eyes open for a Wii Fit for me while you're running all those errands (: I would be SO excited to find one!!