Sunday, February 22, 2009


Jon finally made it home from Africa around 8:00 last night. He has so many stories to tell. He loved every minute of his trip and had an awesome experience. I can't wait to go with him next time he goes :) P.S. I am so not kidding!!! Looking at his pictures for the first time I almost cried because I wanted to be there so bad...Wait until you see some of the animals he saw and those little kids...they are absolutely precious. He took over 1000 pictures so here are a few to give you a little peak. Thanks for all your prayers while he was gone. And for those of you that read this, I owe my friends and family a HUGE thank you for keeping me company while my hubby was away. I seriously have the best friends and family anyone can ask for. I loved hanging out with everybody...seriously people, I dont know how I would have made it without you :)

These are only a few of the animals he saw on their safari. Some others animals they saw were elephants, hippos, hyenas, flamingos, lots of different birds and monkies. He was bumbed because they did not see a lion or a cheetah. Below is a white rhino, zebra, girafee and his favorite picture from the trip of three monkies watching the sunrise one morning.

They took a trip to the equator...the half way point in the world. I'm jealous, thats what I am teaching the forth graders right now. Can't wait to bring this in and show them that he was on the equator, northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere all in one day :)

This is the tent where he stayed while at the school...looks comfy doesn't it. Even after seeing this I can't wait to's so worth it.

Here are some of this kids....I want to take them all home...aren't they precious?

Jon with a forth grade class at the Reverend Murupus Acadamy (Christian School in Kenya)

On their way home they had a 6 1/2 layover in London so they got a taxi and toured the town. Below is the Big Ben clock tower, and they also saw the westminster, churches, Buckingham Palace, and some other things that I can't remember :)

Overall he said it was a great trip and he would do it again. The food is a little nasty but he said he began liking it...I really don't think he had a choice :) Again, thanks for all the prayers!


Kari Lynn said...

LOVE the pictures!
What a great experience and I am so happy that he made it back safely!

Jon and Ash said...

Sorry the pictures are so small, I must have bumbed the size button but it took me long enough to get them aligned like this so I am not re-doing it :)

Jon and Ash said...

Ok.... I couldn'y handle the microness so here they are a litle bigger. :) I guess thats the OCD in me :)

Courtney Beld said...

I am so jealous Jon! Looks like you had a great time! We can't wait to hear your stories and see all the pics. was our delight to keep you company...anytime...even if Jon is home! I have to say I'm going to miss hearing Jessi's prayers for you, Jon, she said Kenya so cute. She is very glad God heard her prayers and you are now home safely. Love ya, Court