Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Okay, so everyday I work in the office for about an hour while the secretary leaves for lunch. It's a nice little break in my day. I do the typical secretarial things along with anything and everything else they hand me. :) Well as I stated before this month is reading month. Each Monday our principal has been sending us a "jungle" video to keep us all motivated. I already posted the Move It one which has been our theme song this month. Well anyway, last Friday she put me in charge of Monday's video. She wanted "The lion sleeps tonight" from Lion King and she wanted a certain one. (With Timon) While looking for that (which I found) I came across this video below. Let's just say I had tears running down my face I was laughing so hard. I couldn't quite convince her to use it although she was cracking up right along with me :) ENJOY!!!!
P.S. The dog is the funniest part

CLICK THIS INSTEAD (I cant find the right code to post it on here.)

*edit* She used it the next week :)


Kari Lynn said...

ha! that is so funny!

The Heeren's said...

the baby was kicking the entire videa...he/she thought it was funny as did I!!!!